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[Sora行业应用]    一位科研人员对 Sora ai生成视频的畅享感触很大

Sora行业应用 2024-2-16 21:08:29304 0
I hope you’re all having a great day. I am thrilled to share with you that I work in the Research and Development department of a non-profit organization focused on individuals with disabilities. Recently, I came across SORA and I am excited about the possibility of incorporating it into our research.
In our day-to-day work, we are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities, and I believe that SORA could be an invaluable tool for our efforts. I am particularly interested in try it for people with mental disabilities, and I believe these features could significantly contribute to our research.
I would love to get more information on how we could acquire it and if there are any collaboration opportunities or discounts available for non-profit organizations like ours.
I appreciate any guidance or additional information you can provide. I am eager to start using as soon as possible and see how it can positively impact our work.

我希望你们都度过愉快的一天。 我很高兴与您分享,我在一家专注于残疾人的非营利组织的研发部门工作。 最近,我遇到了 SORA,我对将其纳入我们的研究的可能性感到很兴奋。
在日常工作中,我们不断寻求创新的解决方案来提高残疾人的生活质量,我相信 SORA 可以成为我们努力的宝贵工具。 我特别有兴趣为患有精神障碍的人尝试它,我相信这些功能可以为我们的研究做出重大贡献。
我感谢您提供的任何指导或附加信息。 我渴望尽快开始使用,看看它如何对我们的工作产生积极影响。


我相信视觉效果有很大的精神影响。 也许可以通过特定的视频接触这些残疾人,恢复他们的精神。 这将是一项伟大的成就。

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